tryrannosauros wrote in goshdarnspam Nov 27, 2011 00:40
greer what is that, gay dancing always, procrastination done right, whatever whatever i do what i want, nice everything you have there, picspam, greer is married to photoshop, birthday spam motherfuckahs, ~*~true love~*~, we have too many fucking tags lawd, not enough sparkles, hi i'm drunk, your face, greer wants to fuck a musical rooster, when i think about you i touch myself, help i need somebody help not just anybo, not as bad as leprosy but, critical bishonen mass attained, greer's leprosy looks like pox, hi i'm not actually drunk fuck you, birthday sex, greer is nightmare fuel, birthday spam, you are all my bitches now, you all want to play world of warcraft, photos out the butt
mrnoshirt wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 20, 2011 23:06
meme, critical bishonen mass attained, greer's leprosy looks like pox, this is a meme
whatmuttiforgot wrote in goshdarnspam Mar 21, 2011 20:11
ewan mcgregor kisses everybody, it's a trap, more tea mr beetle?, why not dragons, meerkats galore, *points to eyes; points to your asses*, foolish mortal, let's get some shoes, happy funtimes, party hard!, look i come bearing shiny gifts, brooklyn raaaaaage, i want. my drink., awesometastic, biebirthday, kitties!, i made your post better, gay dancing always, sexy tiemz, desu, that will not give you lesbians, do we dazzle you?, what is love, it's my buh-buh-biiiirthday, whisker zone alert, only the terriblest, sparkles are always on the menu, snowcones forever!, your face, zuuuul, there is no therapy for this, critical bishonen mass attained, next time i am charging $3.99 for this, i can taste the rainbow, cnc is everyone's boyfriend, yippiekayetcetera, the peeps are watching you, havin' a good time, cake is a lie, birthday sex, birthday spam, boom de ya da, delicious caek is yours
capsulecorp_tm wrote in goshdarnspam Mar 17, 2011 18:38
signal boosting yay, polls are all around us, attention duelists, costume madness, hurrdurr, cap is really a hot guy, critical bishonen mass attained, poll...not a poll, *points to eyes; points to your asses*, i am a small needy child, hey check this out, an internet poll would be a help, cap can has a tag